
Discover a unique step-by-step program for feminine embodiment, based on the menstrual cycle.


Unleash your radiant presence, supercharge your productivity, ignite your libido and experience daily bliss.

Many women want to live an epic life, accomplishing dreams, achieving goals, feeling magnetic and alive. However, not all of them are ready or have the tools to do the inner work required to build an abundant lifestyle.
I understand that you're reading this because you feel something is missing in your life, and you recognize that you're the only one who can make that change!
Let me tell you something: You are absolutely right!

Indeed, you can live the life of your dreams! With just a touch of discipline and dedication, you can begin to transform your life, becoming more attuned to your femininity and prosperous in all aspects of your existence.

What I'm offering here today is a simple, real, step-by-step program. It's precisely what I apply in my daily routine to maintain my grounding in femininity, achieve my goals, and live the dream life, surrounded by the people I love, here in the paradise of Bali.
  • No longer feeling magnetically alive and experiencing a lack of libido
  • Always waking up in a hurry and feeling stressed out
  • Feeling completely disconnected from your feminine energy and pleasure
  • Being busy every day without achieving the results you desire
  • Feeling low, burn out, frustrated and unmotivated
  • Procrastinating a lot and accomplishing little
if you are tired of:
And this is the game-changer of this program. As soon as I started to apply the feminine principles and respect my cycle, I began to see amazing results.
women are cyclical beings
I understand you completely because I have been there so many times in the past. What nobody had told me at that time, is that ...
therefore, we need to live our lives based on our menstrual cycle, our inner compass.
I will show you how to:
Build a foundation for an extraordinary life by honouring your body's needs, connecting to your femininity, flowing with your menstrual cycle, and maintaining focus and productivity in a uniquely feminine way—all without succumbing to stress or burnout!
Forget everything about high achievement and personal development. If you are not following your cyclical nature and nourishing your feminine soul, you will end up burned out and frustrated.

While others will tell you, "Do more, work harder, no pain, no gain..."

We can not build an Epic life without a solid foundation.
This program works because it was specially created to navigate the ebbs and flows of your hormonal cycle, which serves as the compass for a woman's life.
By the way, if you've never heard about this, don't worry. You'll learn about it in-depth within the course.
In this course, we are going to focus on 6 tools, which will help you to develop these main pillars to unlock your potential and progressively change your old pattern.
  • Cyclical Living
(living in accordance with your hormonal cycle)
  • Radiance and Magnetism
  • Intuition
  • Discipline in the Feminine Way
  • Femininity
  • Libido for Life
  • Sexual Vitality

What I have to offer you today is a step-by-step program; a genuine opportunity that mirrors exactly how I managed to transform my own reality. If it worked wonders for me, my family, and my students, I am confident that it will also have a profound, incredible impact on the quality of your life.

I was exhausted from constant fatigue due to sleep deprivation following the birth of my baby boy. I was perpetually drained and frustrated, unable to accomplish the day's tasks. I was desperate to find something that could rejuvenate me, restore my libido, and essentially, bring my life back on track.

I discovered a methodology that has proven effective for hundreds of thousands of people and applied my expertise to structure THIS method.

I implemented feminine practices specifically designed for women to cultivate libido, magnetism, and joy on a daily basis. This combination significantly improved the quality of my life, and that of my family.

The results were so impressive that I decide to share them with the world.

I embody exactly what I teach all my students. That does not mean I lead a problem-free life; I still face the challenges of being a woman, a mother, an entrepreneur, and a housewife. The difference, however, is that having a practice that helps me stay present, focused, confident, feminine, and vibrant serves as a potent tool to deal with life's hurdles. It provides the inner strength to turn my dreams into reality.

You are the sum of what you do every day.
— Caroline
Her method is deeply inspired by her own experiences, research, and work in the fields of personal development, holistic health, wellness, sexuality, feminine ancestral wisdom, and more, spanning over the last 15 years.

She offers, online, mentorship programs, sessions, and courses.

You can find her on Instagram @myfemininesoul where she regularly shares insightful information about femininity, personal development, and sexuality for the modern woman.
Caroline Pontual mentors women, guiding them to embrace their femininity, personal power, and confidence, enabling them to live fulfilling lives in love, in bed, and in everyday life.
  • If you want to stop procrastinating on your happiness, projects, & dreams
  • if you feel insecure about your femininity and inner power
  • if you wish to stop feeling drained, tired, and burned out
  • if you aim to develop discipline
  • If you want to be more grounded, focused, and have more clarity in your life
  • If you yearn to feel more alive, magnetic, and feminine
  • If you desire to awaken your libido for life and sexual desire
  • If you want to learn rituals of self-love and self-care
  • If you hope to release stress and become more relaxed and balanced
  • If you want to become the best version of yourself
  • If you want to learn easy and effective techniques of Self-regulation
X If you are satisfied with your level of success and achievement in all areas of your life.

X If you are not willing to commit to the practice

X If you are looking for a magical pill

X If you feel regularly, alive, possess a high libido, and are excited about life.
"The definition of insanity is to keep doing, every day, the same thing, expecting different results."
There is one quote that really made me triggered in the past.
So, if you wish to stay where you are, continue watching others succeed, and yearn for the life they're living... that's okay! Everything in life is a choice.

But why settle for an ordinary life when you can have an Extraordinary One!?
“Every great journey starts with a single step.”
It's time to stop being a spectator and start becoming the protagonist of your life. Begin today to take steps toward your dream life. Every small step you take daily will bring you closer to where you want and deserve to be.

You can have it all, if only you believe in it!
Introduction Video
Understanding Cyclical Living and how to flow with the program and your life.
Explanation of each tool:

  • Cultivation of Inner Wisdom for each phase of your cycle.
  • Movement practices for each phase of your cycle.
  • Reprogramming audio recording for each phase of your cycle.
  • Journal practices for each phase of your cycle.
  • Inspirational Reading recommendations for each phase of your cycle.
  • The life of your dreams techniques for each phase of your cycle.
  • A Spotify playlist for each phase of your cycle
Night Ritual preparation
Morning ritual preparation
Final Considerations

Bonus: 1x month meet live for Q&A and , or masterclasses
additional videos that will be added little by little about:

  • Motivation
  • Self-care technique
  • Nutritional advice
  • High Performance
  • Wellness
  • Self Regulation

It's time to stop applauding the lives of others and start creating your dream life.

Join the Morning Alchemy Program! It's time to live an epic life, accomplish dreams, achieve goals, and feel magnetic and alive.
© 2022 All Rights Reserved. My Feminine Soul.
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